Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So, on Saturday Mom and Dada woke up and thought it would be a good idea to go to the Cape. We dropped off the girlie with her Dad, picked up some groceries, packed the car and off we went. Usually they make a plan to make a plan then make a plan. This time...WHAM, it was done, not that I really mind!! On the way Mom called the campground...yes, dogs were ok (that's good for me)...yes, there was a site available (that's good for them)!! OMG!! The site was awesome! Lot's of space. Love being outside, even to sleep. The best part about camping is...THEY LET ME ON THE TABLE!!! Oh, joy!

The is beach number one, Race Point Beach

This was taken from beach number 2 "old man" beach in Provincetown, If Mom thinks I am doing that she is crazy!! Well, ok...may be, on a really hot day!

This was taken at beach number 3, yes, that is right...3 beaches in 1 day, Herring Cove Beach, in case you were wondering. We also went for a hike in the dune's behind the campground and a bike ride!! What a day! I was really tired. I slept all the way home.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This is on the beach on Pigeon Hill Road in Steuben Maine. This is where I went on vacation with Mom and Dad. Every day we went to the beach. I love low tide!! All kids of yummy things to eat! The best place to chomp on said yummy things is on a nice cool bed of seaweed! You know, I didn't even mind getting wet.

I made lots of new friends, Molly came by the house with her Mommy every day. I even got to go to dinner with Mom, Dad, and Carl. I sat in Mommy's lap. The only bad thing was the girlie wasn't with us.

I went camping in Vermont last weekend. It was great being outside ALL day. Sleeping in a tent is fun. The girlie was with us. The only bad this was it rained the second night. Things got a little wet, oh, well. I think we will be doing a lot more camping in the future.

Monday, July 12, 2010

So, I LOVE vacation!! There is so much to tell! This is will take couple of random ramblings!

My favorite part was all my people were around all the time!!! YYIIPPEEE!!!

I love the beach!!!! Running in the sand is sooooooo much fun. I didn't like the water, at first, but then Doug took me a off my seaweed island and took me out a little deeper...genius! What is the big deal??? Just because I'm tiny (don't tell anyone I know this), doesn't mean I don't like adventures and new things. Must say, seaweed is tasty! The best time to go to the beach is late in the day...I can be off my leash, oh, joy! My girlie gets nervous but my Mommy lets me run around. At the beach there are lots of big dogs to have stop and chats with. I am learning that I have it pretty good from all the dogs on the barking chain.

Izzie said she likes carrying me because it makes her fell like Paris Hilton. Whose Paris Hilton and what does she have to do with dogs? Does she rent vacation homes to dogs?

More on my vacation later!

My new Nemesis!!

Groundhogs, BEWARE!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well, I have told we are going on vacation to a place called Provincetown, MA. I've never been on vacation or to Provincetown, I don't know what the big fuss is all about.

Today Daddy brought home this basket thing, I think I heard them say it is for the front of the girlies bike. Mom put me in it and took me all over the house. Then she spun me arround...I thought I was gonna BARF!! Thank goodness she put me down! Not sure what I think of the whole basket thing. They put my food throne in it and lots of my toys, includimg my pink flamingo. I tried to get it out, but...

Well, I will get back to you about the idea of a vacation!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

So, they think I don't know what they are up to??
Well, they are sad little creatures
I know exactly what they are up to
They are plotting there next assault
But, I have their number...
So many squirrels, so little time!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We are so proud of the girlie!! She got her grades yesterday and they all went up. Sarah went to a new, harder school this year and did very well. She had to do a big paper in English, 17 pages, and got an A! Mommy says she never did a paper that long until she was in college.

The girl is out of school and is taking this week to chill out! YIPPEE for me! It seems like Mommy and Daddy are coming and going all the time. I like it best when eveyone is home. They are talking about something called a vacation. Does that mean everyone will be home?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Top 10 Reasons I love my Daddy

10. He doesn't call me "it"
9. He washs my blankies when they get yucky
8. He doesn't give me baths
7. He takes me for rides
6. He makes sure I have enough water on hot days
5. He doesn't take yummy stuff I find in the yard away from me...often
4. He let's me chase squirrels
3. He let's me chew bones in the sun
2. He takes me to get my girlie
1. He makes me special dinners with meat and vegatables!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

in pursiut fast quick
little ears, fat tails, running running
teasing taunting swift

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Musings 6.12.2010

Well, it has been quite a week. One night Mom was gone, another Dad was gone. I did not like it one bit. There was a day we were in the car, A LOT!!! Mom and Dad were dressed up and I meet all kinds of new people. I meet Paul's neices and nephews. It was kind of fun. Everyone made a big deal of me. We went to a place where the air smelled fresh and salty. There was a flag on a rectangle thing. The people all in white flolded it and gave to to Dada's brother.

Then there was a day I got a bath and a hair cut!! I HATE HAIR CUTS!! Did I tell you...I HATE HAIRS CUTS!! It was not nice of Mom to ask if I wanted to rides (of courcse, I want to go rides, I am a dog!!!!) and take me to that place. I forgive her, I does fell good to to have so much hair. And I can run faster! Watch out backyard wild life, here I come!!!!!!

And to top things off, the girlie was gone when she should have been here!!

What a week!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I caught one today!! Can you believe it? My nasty Mommy told me I had to let it go! My hard earned victory was short lived! To chase another day!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today is a sad day. Dada's Mommy died. Mumma and the girlie are going to Mumma's reunion, so it my job to stay with Dada and keep him from being to sad.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So, I went to work with Mom today. I had lots of running around and meeting new people. I met Jessie and I really like her. Also Zoe and I played tag. I did the swimmie to go see Lissa.

There is a family of squirrels currently inhabiting the big swamp maple in my back yard, and all I want them to do is come down and play with me, I promise I won't hurt them. but of course my mean and nasty mummies won't let me go out side because I am being a "disturbance" and a "nuisance".

My girlie came home today, but she was too busy to play with me because she had a stupid project to do. I miss my dada because he has been gone all day :(

p.s- My "official" name is Lily, just though I'd put that out there.....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This is my tent. I have lots of fun thowing my toys around in here. It's even good for hiding treasures such as red peppers and what Mom calls, "former Budda Bones".

The more important thing to let ypu know girl comes home tomorrow!! YIPPEEE!!! I wish she liked my crunchy-o's, then I could share them with her to show her how much I love her!


This is a couple of weeks old after playing soccer in the back yard. mom seems to think this game is a lot of fun. Actually, she is right. Almost as much fun as chewing the trees!

Monday, May 31, 2010


We had a slow day today, no big adventures. Dad worked last night and Mom just needed to relax. So all I got to do was chase squirrels!! And, darn, still could not catch one. The tree did taste good they run up. How come they (the squirrels) don't want to paly with me?? Not fair!